"Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all! His factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes" ~ Charles Dickens
Contrary to my leisure days at home, the summer months in Paris were a constant drill of activities, swaying to the momentum of demo classes, practical sessions, practice bakes, catching up on class notes, mentally preparing for the next day's classes (and facing the capricious chef), hanging out at neighborhood cafés in the evenings, tête-a-tête-ing with either Regina or Gabi, my two new but dear friends. While there seemed to have a lot of time in my hands when I was home, there weren't many moments in Paris that I wasn't heading off to meet someone, do something, or be somewhere. Once the excitement of being in a new city waned, there were occasions when the rhythm of the city was simply, well, just overwhelming. I yearned for time to slow down, time to be alone - it seemed that I was often surrounded by people, those I knew and didn't (think Metro, Paris' famed public subway) - and enjoy the unadulterated bliss of soaking in the pleasures of Paris alone, for the sake of pleasure itself.>/span>