Bate Bate Chocolate

>> Sunday, November 28, 2010

Whenever I work with chocolate, I would remember my cute little niece, Nicole singing her favorite song by her favorite cartoon character, Dora. Buh-tay, buh-tay, cho-co-la-tay.....buh-tay, buh-tay, cho-co-la-tay. She'd repeat it time and time again, making circular motions with her right arm, stirring her invisible pot of chocolate. If only she knew how difficult working with chocolate can be......
Last week was chocolate week. We spent an entire week on nothing but making chocolate and chocolate desserts. I could never have enough chocolate - I absolutely love them, but tempering chocolate? Now, that's a different beast altogether. I have a lot to learn and work on when it comes to chocolate. Croissants and laminated doughs? No problems. Macarons? Easy feat. Tempering chocolate? Yet another mountain to conquer.
Here's what I made last week:

L'Opera - I tried two different designs and picked one for presentation. Which one do you prefer?
Dark, milk and white chocolate layered dessert:
Milk chocolate layers - does anyone recognize this? It's sold in individual serving pieces in pâtisseries like PH. Hint: sweet pleasures.
Milk chocolate bon-bons
Dark chocolate truffles and bon-bons


NMN November 29, 2010 at 8:27 AM  

Although they both look nice, I like the first better for its clean elegant lines.

Anonymous,  November 29, 2010 at 1:51 PM  

Either way I feel the calories just piling on...they all look wonderful!!

Anonymous,  December 1, 2010 at 4:48 AM  

All chocolate - what a fabulous week!

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