2008 Breakthrough Barriers

>> Sunday, January 4, 2009

It probably is a few days late to be reflecting on 2008. Nonetheless, the first Sunday sermon of the year did make me want to just blog my heart out on 2008.
Looking back, 2008 has been a year filled with blessings, a rather strange revelation that just came about these few days. If you've asked me just several days ago,
the few things that jump to mind about 2008 aren't blessings but challenges, trials, hardships. Started the year not knowing what I wanted to do on the career front and was even seriously thinking of taking a long sabbatical. Then God fulfilled a long-desired opportunity in G. But, 2008 was also the year when the TN struck hard and bad this time, amidst my adjustment to the new job and long commute, which further led to other barriers at work. I really can't remember having to undergo such emotional distress and lack of peace as I did in 2008. Setbacks, feelings of defeat and discouragement were the order of the year. So why would 2008 be that year of breakthrough?
Why not? And that's exactly how God works.......
God has been unfolding many areas for me through these challenges and setbacks. After today's sermon, I understand perfectly why. Some of these areas are exactly the areas I needed breakthroughs in; areas that kept me from moving ahead. God knows that. And He works through barriers. I know now that He had purposely placed those barriers in my life in 2008 to help me understand my position in Christ Jesus. Above all, it was so that I can have a greater revelation of who He is. God is more concerned about the process - how I handle these challenges and barriers - my attitude throughout the journey - much more then He is concerned about the final outcome. So why would God place those barriers, in the year where He has promised favor?

Ps G.Babish said during today's sermon, God places those barriers there to:
* Cause us to become stronger - definitely the case when it comes to adjusting to G, coping with the TN attacks and undergoing the current situation
* Build commitment and determination - no further elaborations needed on this. Thank you God for building that character in me.
* Cause Faith to grow
* Cause dependency in the Lord (otherwise I'd continue to think I can make it on my own)
* Reveal our authority (take that stand in Christ Jesus!)
* Teach us warfare - this is certainly a key area as we enter the endtimes
* Where God's provision is released - I experience that day in and out, despite being overshadowed by the distractions of the challenges
* Reveal God's love and commitment - the turn of events toward end of the year certainly revealed the fact that God's not done with me and that He who started a good work in me will see it through completion.....

Barriers in our lives are part of God's plan.
Barriers in God's will are never to defeat us.
Barriers are like dams which cause our spirit level to rise and rise.
Barriers are for setting the stage for NEW THINGS!

I'm in full agreement with today's Word. 2008 was indeed a year of pressing through obstacles and challenges, without which, moving to the next level would not have been possible. Every obstacle I've encountered, every situational challenge : relational, logistical, emotional, physical...every single challenge was designed for a purpose. Looking back at what I've accomplished through God in my personal life, my physical health, my work, etc......2008 was a year of stretching my faith to prepare for what God has in store for me in 2009.

2008 will always be a year of breakthrough barriers for me.


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