I practised making loads of these Lepat Pisang, or Banana Parcels when I was taking Home-Science classes in high-school. Back then, once you get to secondary school (equivalent to high school in the States), students will be placed in either one of the two available mainstream categories:
Home-Science where they'd be taught the basics of food, cooking, sewing and craftwork or
Commerce where they'd get a glimpse into the ever-so intriguing world of debits and credits. Which category you end up in was not so much a matter of direct, conscious choice. Come to think of it, a lot of important education and career-related decisions were pretty much "made" for us, not by ourselves or our parents but rather, by the sadly flawed and seriously discriminative education system of my home country which to me, has back-fired and created huge brain drain much more than the government cares to admit. Anyway, this post is not to gripe about the Malaysian education system. I am actually thankful for without the moutainous hurdles, the social and educational inequalities against minorities, I would not have resolved to complete my higher education in USA, graduating with honors, working hard, earning good living, paying property and income taxes to a country that I now proudly call my (new) home today. A country that appreciates talents, honors individuality, welcomes creative innovation and provides an environment that allows
any determined person hungry for success to thrive. Most importantly, if it wasn't for the double-standards, I would not have learnt to make these banana parcels!
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